HCI 430 -- Flash Examples
- Example 1 Examples1.htm Examples1.swf Examples1.zip
Basic Flash examples with simple ActionScript.
Here is the Example1b ActionScript code.
bumble-bee Examples: bumble-bee.zip
- bumble-bee1 Simple Drawingbumble-bee2 Motion Tweening with start and stop buttons.
bumble-bee3 Using a Motion Guide
wheel A Movie Clip with its Own Timeline
squares Creating Movie Clips Dynamically
bumble-bee4 Placing Movie Clips Randomly
bumble-bee5 Simple Drag and Drop
sunset A sunset animation with tweening. Stars drawn with drawing API.
snow Simulating Snow with Random Motion
- sun-and-shadow Shows a variety of effects. Some ActionScript code is stored in separate .as files.
- number-pad Input digits with buttons and display them in a textbox.greeter4 Uses radio buttons and a textbox to input information. The output is displayed in a text area component.
email Read data from the text file email.txt and display it in textboxes.
display-text Read data from the text file data.txt and display it in a text area component.
phonebook9 Look up a phone number in a combo box and display the corresponding name a textbox. The names and phonenumbers are in phonenumbers.txt.
- text-aa.fla Source Code Create an associative array and access its elements.test-class.fla Source Code Create a PhoneInfo class and test it.
Here is the PhoneInfo.as class file.
phonebook10 Store name and number pairs as PhoneInfo objects.
- bumble-bee10 Create bumble bees with animated wings a nested movie clip.bumble-bee11 Instantiate 500 bumble bees, with synchronized and staggered start times.
bumble-bee12 Create 200 bumble bees where any bee can be dragged with the mouse to another location.
alert-window Show how to show an alert box (message box) and read which button was clicked.
- astronomy-quiz1 An astronomy quiz implemented in six frames.astronomy-quiz2 An astronomy quiz implemented in two frames.
tip-calculator1 Compute gratuity given the subtotal.
key-pad2 Keypad implemented with dynamic buttons and one event handler for all the buttons.
format-text Format a dynamic textbox using the TextFormat object.
tip-calculator2 Same as tip-calculator1, except that the labels in the controls are formatted with the setFormat method of the control.
animals ComboBox and TextArea components are formatted with the setFormat method.
- digital-timer A simple stop watch that uses the getTimer function.load-images Use a FileReference object to load image filenames into a combo box. Then a selected image is displayed in a Loader control.
dynamic-scroll-pane Display images in a scroll pane.
- bitmap1 Display library bitmaps as MovieClip objects.bitmap2 Draw on a movie clip.
Examples from senocular.com:
- masking1 Show a crude spotlight effect with a mask layer.masking2 Another crude spotlight effect.
device-with-text Simulate scrolling text on a handheld device.
- pianoKeys_behaviors An example from the Flash 8 Bible by Reinhardt and Dowd.
- id-dropdown Load ID numbers into ComboBox for GradeViewer Example.monthly-payment Compute monthly payment for a loan.
- textfield Switch a textfield from dynamic to input and vice-versa.css1 Display formatted HTML file (*).
css2 Display HTML file formatted with external CSS file (*).
TextFormattingExample Display HTML file formatted with external CSS file (*).
- custom-cursor Use a movie clip as a custom cursor.fred1 Transform an image loaded into a movie clip.
fred2 Transform and display a bitmap in various ways.
- scale9Grid Change the shape of a rectangle with rounded corners with the mouse (*).tweensEasing Perform programmatic tweening with various types of easing (*).
tweensListeners Perform programmatic tweening using listeners to control the animation. (*).
tweensPausing Perform programmatic tweening using the mouse to pause the animation. (*).
Some of these examples show trace output, which is not visible from the swf file.
- slider1 Version 1 of a custom Slider component (*).slider2 Version 2 of a custom Slider component (*).
slider3 Version 3 of a custom Slider component (*).
slider4 Version 4 of a custom Slider component (*).
Illustrates various authortime and runtime filters.
- filter-effects Show the effects of the DropShadow, Glow and Bevel Filters implemented using the Flash IDE.runtime-filter-effects Show the effects of the DropShadow, Glow and Bevel Filters implemented using ActionScript.
fred3 Show how to apply a sharpening convolution using a ConvolutionFilter object. The convolution is specified by
-1 | -1 | -1 |
-1 | 9 | -1 |
-1 | -1 | -1 |
Shows some examples that use keyboard input.
- key-up Show the pressed key in a dynamic textbox.play-scale Play a C major scale when these keys are pressed:
c d e f g a b
race Use the arrow keys to maneuver a token around a track without going out of bounds.
Receive input and use a LoadVars object to send the data to the URL of a PHP server. Here is the PHP source code running on ectweb: target.php
In some cases, use a RegExp object to validate the input. Here is the code for the RegExp class: RegExp.as
- send Send data to a PHP server using a LoadVars object.reg-exp-test Validate input text with a regular expression.
guestbook3 Send input data to a PHP server. Validate with regular expressions.
The senocular.com website: www.senocular.com/pub/flash/8/
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