Job2 Street

Monday, October 8, 2018

wordpress customize header and wonderplugin

site-header {
height: 150px ;
/** .site-header {
display: none
.main-navigation {
display: none;

You’ll need to inspect the source on the pages you’re trying to do this on and identify the unique class in the body tag.
You’ll then need to prefix the following CSS with the page’s unique body class.
.main-navigation {
  display: none;
So for example, to hide your menu on your home page only, you’d say:
.home .main-navigation {
  display: none;
All CSS to be placed under Appearance > Custom CSS.
To hide the menu on this page here: you’d say:
.page-id-2 .main-navigation {
  display: none;

How to create a WordPress page without header, menu, sidebar and footer?

In this tutorial, we will guide you how to create a WordPress page with no header, menu, sidebar and footer etc. The only content will be what you have entered in the page editor.

Step 1 - Create a WordPress page template file

In your local computer, create a text file, copy the following code and save it as "page-cleanpage.php".
 * Template Name: Clean Page
 * This template will only display the content you entered in the page editor

<html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="no-js">
 <meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>">
 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
 <?php wp_head(); ?>
 while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); 
<?php wp_footer(); ?>

Step 2- Upload the file to your WordPress theme folder

FTP the created file page-cleanpage.php to your WordPress theme folder, which is wp-content -> themes -> yourthemename.

Step 3 - Select the template in the WordPress page editor

In the WordPress page editor, Page Attributes tab, choose Clean Page from the Template drop-down list.
WordPress page without header, menu, sidebar and footer
Demo pages are as follows:
For how to create a WordPress fullscreen slideshow, please view the tutorial:
WonderPlugin 3D Carousel2.3September 26, 2018
WonderPlugin Audio Player7.3September 22, 2018
WonderPlugin Carousel14.2September 18, 2018
WonderPlugin Gallery11.4August 6, 2018
WonderPlugin Lightbox6.9September 14, 2018
WonderPlugin Popup5.4September 14, 2018
WonderPlugin Portfolio Grid Gallery13.6August 31, 2018
WonderPlugin Slider10.4May 17, 2018
WonderPlugin Tabs5.8August 1, 2018

Install the Plugins

There are two methods to install the downloaded plugin ZIP file in your WordPress.
You could directly upload the plugin ZIP file in your WordPress backend or you could extract the ZIP file on your local computer first, then FTP the plugin folder to your FTP web server. Please view the following tutorials:

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